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Legendary Care: 7 Ways to Maintain Your Leather Goods by Legendary USA

By: Kim Burly

Summer 2023

Leather goods are a timeless investment. Whether it's a leather jacket, biker wallet, or boots, these items carry an undeniable charm that only improves with age. Legendary USA understands the value and sentimental attachment you place on your leather goods. Here are our top seven tips to help you care for and prolong the life of your leather treasures.

1. Keep it Clean Regular cleaning is vital for maintaining your leather goods. Use a damp cloth to gently wipe off dirt and dust. For stubborn stains, consider a specialized leather cleaner, but always spot test first to ensure it doesn't affect the leather's color.

2. Moisturize Regularly Just like your skin, leather needs hydration to prevent drying and cracking. Use a quality leather conditioner to moisturize your leather goods every few months. Remember, a little goes a long way, so apply sparingly and buff gently.

3. Avoid Water and Direct Sunlight Leather and water are not good friends. If your leather item gets wet, let it dry naturally and avoid direct heat or sunlight as this can cause the leather to fade or crack. Regularly used items, like jackets or wallets, should also be stored away from direct sunlight when not in use.

4. Store Properly When not in use, store your leather goods in a cool, dry place. Avoid plastic bags or covers as they can cause the leather to dry out. Instead, use breathable fabric bags. If you're storing a leather jacket, use padded hangers to maintain the jacket's shape.

5. Avoid Overstuffing While it may be tempting to use all that space in your new leather wallet or bag, overstuffing can stretch the leather, leading to deformed shapes and weakened material. Only carry essentials to maintain the shape and integrity of your leather goods.

6. Regular Maintenance Apart from cleaning and conditioning, other regular maintenance can include polishing for shoes and boots, hardware check for bags and wallets, and zipper care for jackets. A stitch in time saves nine - so make sure to fix any minor issues before they become significant problems.

7. Seek Professional Help If your leather goods require serious cleaning or repair, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Experts can provide services like deep cleaning, re-dyeing, and repair that can breathe new life into your beloved leather items. In conclusion, maintaining your leather goods doesn't have to be a tedious process. With these seven tips from Legendary USA, you can ensure your leather items age beautifully and stay with you for a long time, serving as enduring companions on your legendary journeys.

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