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Motorcycle Whips.


Kelly Hogart


Motorcycle whips, also known as get back whips or biker whips, are a type of decoration that is hung from the brake or clutch lever of a motorcycle. They typically consist of a length of braided leather with a large, often metal, clasp on one end and sometimes a tassel or additional decorative elements on the other.

There are a few reasons why riders might attach a whip to their motorcycle:

Visibility: One practical reason to use a motorcycle whip is to increase visibility. The whip can catch the attention of other drivers and make the motorcycle more noticeable, especially if it is brightly colored.

Tradition and symbolism: The whip is also a symbol of the motorcycle club culture. Traditionally, the leather used in the whip was taken from a club member's old jacket or boots, and the length of the whip was said to represent the distance a rider could be expected to travel for a fellow member.

Expression of personal style: Like other motorcycle accessories, whips can be a way to express personal style or to coordinate with a bike's color scheme. It's important to note that in some places, the use of motorcycle whips may be regulated or even prohibited due to concerns about their potential misuse as a weapon. It's advisable for riders to check local laws before attaching a whip to their motorcycle.

Motorcycle whips, or get back whips, are often seen as more of a symbol of motorcycle culture rather than a symbol of a weapon. These whips were traditionally made from the lacing of a club member's old jacket, or their boot laces, and they were used as a symbolic representation of that biker's commitment to their club or brotherhood.

However, the substantial length of leather and the often heavy, metal clasps could potentially be used as a weapon in a pinch, which is why they are sometimes viewed that way. In fact, in some areas, there may be laws or regulations against having them on a motorcycle due to this potential for use as a weapon.

As with all symbols and traditions, interpretations can vary widely. While some might see a motorcycle whip as a potential weapon, many bikers view it as a symbol of camaraderie and commitment to the biker lifestyle. As always, it's important for motorcyclists to respect local laws and regulations when choosing how to accessorize their bikes. Check out First Manufacturers Get Back Whips.


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